Modify fire setups

After obtaining results from the initial round, perform additional tests by modifying only one aspect of the test.

Change only one element of the test

When you modify the testing environment, change only one element at a time while keeping other elements of the test the same.

Possible modifications include:

Burn homogeneous material

Use same material as used during initial tests For modified tests, the same type and weight of material for burning MUST be identical to that used in the initial test, except when changing the type of material.

Allow Wildfire Sensors to stabilize

New location - 5 days: Any time the Wildfire Sensors are moved, they need at least 5 days to stabilize (recalibrate) in their new locations. Do not move them prior to testing.

Modify test - 30 to 60 minutes: If the locations remain the same but another aspect of the test is modified, allow 30-60 minutes for the Wildfire Sensors to settle (return to ready state).

Wind direction and speed

Be aware of wind direction and speed. This may affect which Wildfire Sensor(s) triggered a Fire alert.

Change Wildfire Sensor locations

If you change the location of the Wildfire Sensors within the 1 km range of the Border Gateway, you may not need to change the location of the Border Gateway. However, if the Sensors are moved out of range of the Border Gateway, you need to move the Border Gateway and update the GPS coordinates of the Border Gateway in the Site Management app.

  1. Change the location of the Wildfire Sensors.

  2. Update the sensor GPS coordinates in the Site Management app.

  3. Allow 5 days for the Wildfire Sensors to stabilize (calibrate) to the new location. They need 5 days to stabilize (recalibrate).

  4. Burn a test fire..

  5. Record the results of the test, including wind conditions.

Change location of fire pit

Keep the same distance between Wildfire Sensors (for example, 2m or 15m) but modify the fire pit location. This allows an analysis of the effect of wind direction and wind speed in the forest that affects the movement and direction of the smoke from the fire pit.

Change distance between Wildfire Sensors

The further away the Wildfire Sensors are from the fire pit, the longer the detection time becomes. For example, modify the distance between from 2 m to 15 m between Wildfire Sensors.

Change test fire material

Change the material that is burnt in the fire pit. Clean out the ashes in the fire pit from the previous fire and replace with different material.

If you burn forest material but need to test the Silvanet System with other materials such as creosote-soaked wood (railroad ties), then change ONLY the burning material without making any other modifications to the test.

After changing the material, allow the sensors settle. Wait 24 hours before running the test.

  1. Clear out the ashes from the previous test and replace with new material.

  2. Wait 24 hours to begin the next test.

  3. Burn a test fire.

  4. Record the results of the test, including wind conditions.

Last updated