Get started tutorial (Gen 2)

Learn how to plan for and deploy Gen 2 Silvanet Gateways and Wildfire Sensors with this step-by-step tutorial.

Dryad Silvanet Suite Tutorial - Gen 2 devices


Learn how to plan a deployment, prepare for the deployment and then deploy Silvanet Border Gateways, Mesh Gateways and Wildfire Sensor.

This tutorial does not go into details on each step. It should give you an idea of what is involved in planning for and deploying the Silvanet System in a forest. References are given to the relevant sections in the documentation.


To complete this tutorial, you need the following. You can skip ahead if you've already completed these tasks:

Step 1: Plan the Site

Use the Planning tool to plan the amount and location of Silvanet Border Gateways, Mesh Gateways and Wildfire Sensors.

Login to the Site Management app (

Use the login credentials provided by Dryad or your reseller to access the Site Management app.

  1. Go to

  2. Select Login and then in the Sign In form enter your Username (or email address) and password.

Create a Site

  1. In the Site Management app, select the Sites view. The Site is where you prepare the deployment plan.

  1. Select Create Site.

See Also

For more information, see Sites view.

Plan coverage estimation for your Site

Use the Planning tool to estimate coverage requirements for your site. With this tool, you draw paths, areas and connectivity zones. The result is a total number of Border Gateway, Mesh Gateway and Wildfire Sensors needed to cover the Site.

  1. Run the Planning tool: From the ellipse menu (top-right), select Planning tool.

  2. Find you deployment location: Search for a suitable location using the Search form. You can find any location as this is only an example plan.

  3. Draw some paths and areas: Experiment with the drawing tools. Look at the map and experiment with the drawing tools.

    1. If you see a hiking trail or railroad, use the Draw Path tool to draw a path that follows the trail or railroad. Give it a name try out some of the settings.

    2. Use the Draw Area tool to draw an area. Notice the dots inside the area. These a estimated Wildfire Sensor locations. Give it a name and move the slider to increase or decrease the density of Sensors in the area.

  4. Add Border Gateways and Mesh Gateways: Use the Connectivity Mesh tool to add one Border Gateway and then a couple of Mesh Gateways. This is done using the Connectivity Mesh tool. Make sure you have placed a Mesh Gateway in the blue zone of another Gateway.

  5. Add a few comments: Use the Comment tool to add a comment or two.

Notice the white and yellow dots. You can use these dots to modify the route or area. Try enlarging the area by selecting a white dot and moving it outward.

  1. You can always delete a route or area and add new ones. Just try the tools and get comfortable using the Planning tool.

  2. Notice as you add paths, areas and connectivity zone, the device counters increment. This gives you an estimate of the number of Silvanet devices you need to provide coverage in your Site.

  3. Save your plan using the menu on the upper left of the tool to select Save.

Planning tool tutorial

See Planning Tool tutorial for a hands-on example of preparing a coverage estimation for a Site that goes into each step in detail.

Export a planning summary document

You can save a summary document (.docx) of the deployment plan.

  1. Select Export Summary. This can be printed and used by the workers who deploy the Silvanet devices.

  2. Select Release Deployment Plan to send the deployment plan to the Deployment app.

The Planning tool checks if the plan has issues that need to be resolved before releasing. These issues need to be fixed before the tool releases it to the Deployment app. The most likely reason is a Sensor icon is outside a connectivity zone. You can easily fix this by selecting the Sensor icon and moving it inside a blue zone.


The following steps are provided as an example only. We don't expect you to go out and start deploying the devices. It is provided to show you the basic deployment steps. Refer to the detailed procedures provided in the relevant sections of this Online Documentation.

Step 2: Prepare to deploy

Required tools for deployment

Bring the appropriate deployment tools:

  • Toolbox to carry all the necessary tools

  • Hammer for treenails

  • Chisel to shave off tree bark

  • Shears for trimming branches and for cutting lengths of garden wire

  • Binoculars to scout the area and ensure line of sight between devices

  • 10 mm wood drill bit and a 6 mm wood drill bit to drill a pilot hole

  • Cordless drill and extract fully charged battery

  • Chainsaw for quickly cutting large branches (optional)

  • 17 mm wrench for C-Clamps used for installing on poles

  • Soft-coated garden wire for temporary installation of devices

  • 16 foot (5 meter) foldable ladder (or telescoping ladder)

Install the Deployment app on a fully charged Smartphone

Ensure the Deployment app is installed on a Smartphone and the Smartphone is fully charged. Launch the app in an area where mobile connectivity is good before heading into the deployment area, then select the Site.

See Also

For more information, see Preparation guidelines.

Step 3: Deploy Border Gateway

Deploy the Border Gateway to make a connection with the Silvanet Cloud Platform.

Select the Border Gateway in the Deployment app

Using the Deployment app, select the Border Gateway from the list of devices. This indicates where the Gateway is to be deployed. Your location is shown by a blue dot on the map.

Register the Border Gateway

  1. Using the Deployment app, move towards the deployment location for the Border Gateway.

  2. Once at the location, tap Register Device to scan the device's QR Code to register the Border Gateway.

Mount the Border Gateway

  1. Find the location on the tree or pole that is at a minimum of 3 m above ground level.

  2. Use treenails (for trees) or C-Clamps (for poles) to mount the Border Gateway. The Dryad logo must be right side up.

  3. Mount the solar panel vertically, ideally above the Border Gateway and facing towards the sun (where it would be at 12:00 noon). Ensure the solar panel is connected to the Border Gateway. Don't mount the Solar Panel behind the Border Gateway.

  4. If a mains is available to provide a power supply, use the PoE Injector to connect to the mains. If a router is available, connect the router to the PoE Injector, as described in Border Gateway scenarios.

Run a Connectivity test

Run the connectivity test to ensure the Border Gateway has connectivity to the Silvanet Cloud.

  1. Tap Confirm & Start Connectivity Test to begin.

  1. After running the Connectivity test and (if successful), go ahead and mount the Border Gateway.

  2. If unsuccessful, follow the troubleshooting information provided in the app.

See Also

For more information, see Deploy Border Gateways.

Step 4: Deploy Mesh Gateways

With the Border Gateway connected to the Silvanet Cloud, you can begin deploying the Mesh Gateways to build up a Silvanet Mesh Network.

Select the Mesh Gateway in the Deployment app

Using the Deployment app, select the Mesh Gateway from the list of devices. This indicates where the Gateway is to be deployed. Your location is shown by a blue dot on the map.

Register the Mesh Gateway

  1. Using the Deployment app, move towards the deployment location.

  2. Once at the location, tap Register Device to scan the QR Code which registers the Mesh Gateway.

Mount the Mesh Gateway

  1. Find the location on the tree or pole that is at a minimum of 3 m above ground level and is oriented towards the sun (at 12:00 noon).

  2. Using tree nails (for trees) or C-Clamps (for poles), mount the Mesh Gateway.

Run a Connectivity test

  1. Run a Connectivity test to ensure it is online and is connected to the Border Gateway.

  1. After running the Connectivity test and (if successful), you can now go ahead and deploy the next Mesh Gateway.

  2. If unsuccessful, follow the information provided

Deploy the next Mesh Gateway

Use the same procedures to deploy the remaining Mesh Gateways.

See Also

For more information, see Deploy Mesh Gateways.

Step 5: Deploy Wildfire Sensors

Select a Wildfire Sensor in the Deployment app

Using the Deployment app, select a Wildfire Sensor from the list of devices. This indicates where the Sensor is to be deployed. Your location is shown by a blue dot on the map.

Register the Wildfire Sensor

Using the Deployment app, move towards the deployment location. Once at the location, select Register Device to scan the QR Code to register the Wildfire Sensor.

Mount the Wildfire Sensor

  1. Find the location on the tree that is at a minimum of 3 m above ground level. Use a chisel or axe to remove any protruding bark at the location. Do not overly damage the bark.

  2. Using a tree nail and spacer, mount the Wildfire Sensor.

Calibrate the Wildfire Sensor

Allow 14 days for the Wildfire Sensors to calibrate.

See Also

For more information, see Deploy Wildfire Sensors.

Last updated