Packet editor

Packets editor allows you to make modifications to Packets prepared by the Planning tool. Packets can be added or deleted as required.

Packet planning guidelines

Consider the following guidelines when planning where to place devices on the Map in the Site Management app:

  • Sensor density: The density of sensors in areas of a Site is based on the human activity in an area and the topology of the forest floor. See Sensor density guidelines.

  • Density per hectare: This is related to sensor density, except that in this case you need to know where in the forest is the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and where are the deep forest areas.

  • Device ratio: Ensure sufficient Mesh Gateways are deployed for the number of sensors deployed. Similarly, ensure at least one Border Gateway and possibly a backup Border Gateway is deployed based on the amount of Mesh Gateways deployed. See Gateway ratios.

  • Device range: Ensure sensors are deployed within range of at least one Mesh Gateway. See Sensor range.

Editing Packets

Prepared Packets can be edited to change the Packet's devices or locations. A Packet can also be deleted.

Add new Packet

Packets are prepared using the Packet Planning page which displays any previously prepared Packets.

No map displayed?

If no Packet has been prepared, a blank area appears in the Map area. If devices have already been deployed to this Site, a map of the Site and the number of currently active gateways and sensors appears.

  1. Log in to and from the Sites dashboard, select open a Site.

  2. In the Dashboard of the Site, select from the ellipsis menu (upper-right corner) the Packet editor. Any existing Packets appear in the editor.

  3. Select + Add Packet to open the Create Packet page. A default location should be shown in the embedded map.

  4. Provide a unique name for the Packet in the Packet name field, then select Add devices to packet.

  5. After adding a new Packet, find the Site location by centering the map on the Site location using the Search field.

  6. Use the Map tools (zoom in or out, move the map) to find the geographical area (Site location) where the devices in the Packet are to be deployed.

Ensure you have enabled Location services on the Laptop or PC running the Silvanet Site Management app, otherwise no Map appears.

Border and Mesh Gateways

Add Gateways

  1. On the Packet Planning page, select Add devices to packet.

  2. From the Device Type dropdown menu, select Border Gateway and enter the number of Border Gateways. Then, select Add.

  3. Repeat the same procedure for Mesh Gateways.

  4. Select Save to save the Packet (you may need to scroll down to see the Save button).

Packets can be saved without placing devices

If the approximate location of the Border Gateway(s) is not known beforehand, you can save the Packet by selecting Save.

Place Gateways on map

Placing Border Gateways on the map generates the GPS location for each Border Gateway. Ensure the map is centered on your Site location.

Use full screen mode

You can switch to full screen mode to view a larger map.

  1. Select the Gateway(s), then select Add devices to map.

  2. The Gateway(s) appears on the map as icons centered in the view.

  3. Drag the Gateway icons to the approximate location of the planned deployment. The GPS coordinates appear next to the device in the list.

  4. Select Save to save the Packet (you may need to scroll down to see the Save button).

  5. Select Back to go the Packet Planning page.

Wildfire Sensors

Add Wildfire Sensors

Before adding Wildfire Sensor, review the guidelines for deploying Wildfire Sensors.

Multiple Packets

You can create multiple Packets where each Packet contains sufficient sensors for a day's deployment activity. More Packets can be added as required.

  1. On the Packet Planning page, select Add devices to packet.Select Add devices to packet and select Sensor.

  2. From the Device Type dropdown menu, select Sensor and enter the number of Sensors. Then, select Add.

  3. Select Save to save the Packet.

Place Sensors on map

Placing sensors on the map generates the GPS location for each sensor. Ensure the map is centered on your Site location. Ensure you follow the guidelines in Device Ratio and Ranges and Sensor density when placing the sensors.

Do not place sensors near paths or streets

Plan for sensors to be deployed away from paths or streets. Place the sensors a meter or so away from a path or street to prevent the device from damage due to vandalism.

You can view the map in full screen mode for easier placement. Use the standard map tools to move around the map. Distances between the three nearest sensors and the nearest gateway appear when an icon is selected.

  1. Select the sensors, then select Place on map. The sensors appear on the map in a default location in the center. The GPS coordinates of the sensors appear in the list next to the devices.

  2. Drag the sensor icons to their respective deployment locations. When selecting a sensor icon, the distance between the Wildfire Sensor and the nearest devices and Gateway are highlighted

  3. Select Save to save the Packet

  4. Select Back to go the Packet Planning page.

Completed Packets

When the required number and type of Packets have been prepared, the new Packets appears in the Packet Planning page and in the Silvanet Deployment app.

Silvanet Deployment app and Packets

New Packets are automatically accessible in the Silvanet Deployment app to all users who have access to the Site. In the Silvanet Deployment app, a user can browse through all Packets prepared for a Site and select the Packet that a team is ready to deploy.

Edit a Packet

The Packet Planning page allows for a Packet to be modified such as deleting a device from a Packet.

  1. Open the Packet editor from the ellipsis menu in the Site Dashboard.

  2. Select a Packet, then select the Pencil (Edit) icon to open the Packet in Edit mode.

  3. From the list of devices, select the devices to be edited.

    1. To update GPS coordinates of a device, select the Pencil icon next to the device, make changes to the Latitude and Longitude, then save the changes.

    2. To delete a Sensor or Gateway, select the device then selecting Remove.

  4. This only removes the Sensor from the Packet. If a

  5. Select Save to save the changes. A Packet saved message appears.

Deleting a Sensor or Gateway from Packets

If a Silvanet device has already been deployed, deleting a Silvanet device from a Packet does not delete the device from the Dryad database. Contact Dryad for more information.

Delete a Packet

If required, a Packet can be deleted from the Site Management app.

Deleting a device only removes it from the Packet

If a device has not been deployed, it can be removed from the Packet. However, once a device has been deployed, removing a device requires sending a request to Dryad to remove the device from the Site database. In this case, send a Support Ticket to Dryad with the Device IDs of the devices you have removed from your Site.

  1. Open the Packet planning page in the Site Management app.

  2. Select a Packet, then select the Trash (delete) icon.

  3. Confirm the deletion.

  4. Select Save to save the changes.

Deleting a Packet cannot be undone

Once a Packet has been deleted, it cannot be undone.

Last updated

Docs Version

Version 4.5.1

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