Sites view

Sites View displays all Sites to which you are permitted access.

The Sites view displays sites that you (admin users only) or a Reseller have created or to which you access.

User role (client)

Open a Site

Open the Ellipsis menu next to a Site name and select Open to display a Site. Alternately, select a Site name to open a Site.

The Site details page is displayed.

Create Site

Only users with an Admin Role can add a new Site to their own organization. If you are a reseller, you can add new Sites for your clients.

If you are a user with a Standard Role, request a new Site from your organization's Admin user or from your reseller.

User role

  1. Select Sites from the side menu, then select Create Site.

  2. In the Create Site dialog, enter a Site Name and select a Region.

  3. If required, you can create a new organization by checking Create new Organization.

  4. When completed, Select Create Site.

  5. The new Site appears in the Sites view.

The new Site also appears in the Dashboard.

Rename a Site

The name of a Site can be edited or changed as required. However, the Site ID cannot be changed.

User role

Site ID

The Site ID can be found in the URL of the Site as well as part of breadcrumbs when a Site is opened.

  1. Open a Site.

  2. From the Ellipsis menu next to a Site name, select Edit.

  3. In the Edit Site dialog, enter a new name, then select Save Changes.

Last updated

Docs Version

Version 4.3.5

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