
The Dashboard provides a summary of deployed devices and coverage of all Sites available to you (based on role, client, or reseller).

The default view of Site Management app is the Dashboard. It provides access to all available Sites. The side menu provides options for accessing the Sites:

  • Sites view (displays a provides access to each Site)

  • Map view (displays a world map showing the location of each Site)

  • Alert center (displays fire alerts generated by any Site)

User Management list users in your organization that are registered to use the Site Managment app. Administrators can add users here.

User role

Selecting Collapse minimizes the side menu. Selecting the right arrows maximizes the side menu.

The Dashboard displays key details of the Sites in your organization and provides access to Sites.

  • Sensors

    • Total Sensors Number of deployed Wildfire Sensors in all Sites associated with an organization (client)

    • Sensors in each Site Number of Wildfire Sensors deployed in each Site. Site names are also access points to the Site Dashboard of a site.

  • Gateways

    • Total Gateways Number of deployed Mesh Gateways and Border Gateways in all Sites associated with an organization (client).

    • Gatways in each Site Number of Mesh Gateways and Border Gateways deployed in each Site. Site names are also access points to the Site Dashboard of a site.

  • Sites

    • Total Number of Sites Number of Sites created in an organization (client).

    • Covered area of each Site Area (in hectares) protected by a Silvanet deployment for each Site. Site names are also access points to the Site Dashboard of each site.

Last updated

Docs Version

Version 4.1

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