Silvanet Cloud Platform

The Silvanet Cloud Platform captures data received from Silvanet sensors sent via the Silvanet Mesh Network to the Border Gateway.

Data sent from Silvanet Wildfire Sensors are received by the Silvanet Border Gateway via the Silvanet Mesh Gateway. This data is then forwarded over the Internet (via mobile networks, a wired Ethernet connection or via satellite) to the Silvanet Cloud Platform .

This data is then made available in the Silvanet Site Management app and the Silvanet Deployment app.

Access credentials

Each registered Dryad user is provided with their own User Access credentials (username and password) to access the Silvanet apps. These credentials allow access to both the Silvanet Site Management app and the Deployment app.

Adding users

Additional users can be added through the User Management view of the Site Management app. For more information, see Adding new users.

Last updated