Gateway ratios

The amount of Mesh Gateways supported by Border Gateways is variable but should not exceed these guidelines.

Ratio of Border Gateways to Mesh Gateways

For every one Border Gateway deployed, up to 20 Mesh Gateways can be deployed, depending on the Site's topology.

Additional Border Gateways can be deployed as a backup for the Mesh Network.

Ratio of Mesh Gateways to Mesh Gateways

As Mesh Gateways act as repeaters, any number of Mesh Gateways can be deployed on a Site.

However, when planning Mesh Gateway deployments, ensure each Mesh Gateway can communicate with at least two other Mesh Gateways. This ensures a reliable Mesh Network in the forest.

For example, when using the Pre-Planning tool, the Connectivity tool helps to ensure Mesh Gateways have multiple paths to the Border Gateway, with a few exceptions.

For more information, see Site Planning.

Last updated