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Silvanet Gateways and Sensors require their supercapacitors to be charged (or charging) and to have connectivity within the Silvanet Mesh Network. Any issue that interrupts charging or connectivity triggers either an Alert or a Warning, depending on the severity of the problem.

Other issues generate warnings but do not require direct user-actionable resolutions, such as firmware update notification and in-calibration notification.

Message icons

The Device overview section of a site displays indicators. Troubleshooting messages are available when expanding the device view.



Alert - The Silvanet device requires immediate action to resolve the underlying issues.


Warning - The Silvanet device is not performing optimally. The underlying issue should be resolved, but the device is still functioning normally.


Info - No user-actionable resolution required. Information only.

Troubleshooting messages

Alerts (Resolve immediately)

The following shows possible combination of issues which need to be immediately resolved to ensure continued environmental monitoring.

Warnings (Resolve as soon as possible)

The underlying issues which caused the warning need to be resolved. Notice the possible combination of issues in each of these examples.

Notifications (no user-actionable response required)

These notifications are provided to indicate issues currently affecting the device. Typically, they do not require user actions to resolve. If the device is calibrating, it needs to complete before the device is ready for environmental monitoring.

Last updated