Start Connectivity Test

Start the connectivity test to ensure the Border Gateway can connect with the Silvanet Cloud.

After the Border Gateway has been mounted, use the Deployment app to begin the Connectivity test. This checks if the Border Gateway can connect with the Silvanet Cloud.

  1. After the Border Gateway has been mounted, continue with the Deployment app. Tap Confirm & Start Connectivity Test.

  1. The Deployment app instructs the Silvanet Cloud to reach the Border Gateway. A popup dialog appears over the map with a progress indicator. This popup can be minimized.

  1. If the Silvanet Cloud could connect with the Border Gateway, a Connectivity Test successful message appears. Tap Show Device Details or Close to dismiss the popup dialog.

  1. If you have tapped Show Device Details, the following screen appears. You can add additional information in the Notes field.

We recommend attaching the Border Gateway temporarily with garden wire while running the Connectivity Test in case the device needs to be relocated to another tree or pole for better connectivity.

Could not reach the Border Gateway

If the Silvanet Cloud could not reach the Border Gateway, troubleshooting information is provided.

  1. If the Border Gateway could not be reached, the following dialog appears.

  • Check the following to troubleshoot connectivity:

    • Power supply: Check the power supply. Is the PoE correctly connected to mains power source, solar panel correctly connected to Border Gateway, solar panel correctly oriented towards the sun (at noon), no obstructions in front of the solar panel. After ensuring the device has a power supply, tap, Keep Device Original Location to restart the connectivity test.

    • Superconductors not fully charged: Wait for the Border Gateway to be fully charged. If the device has not had sufficient time to charge the superconductors, wait until it has been fully charged. After the device has been fully charged, tap, Keep Device Original Location to restart the connectivity test.

    • Border Gateway has no connection to a mobile network: It is possible the location where the Border Gateway has been mounted does not have connectivity to a mobile network. In this case, the device needs to be relocated to a location where it has connectivity. After relocating the Border Gateway, tap Reset Device to Current Location which restarted the connectivity test.

  1. After checking these issues, tap Confirm & Restart Connectivity Test.

  2. The Device Details screen appears showing the current status of the Test. Tap Reset Device.

  1. If you have moved the Border Gateway, tap Reset Device to Current Location. The Connectivity Test is restarted.

  2. If you attempted other troubleshooting tasks such as checking power supply or waiting for the Border Gateway to be fully charged, tap Keep Device Original Location. The Connectivity Test is restarted.

  1. After restarting the Connectivity Test, the Silvanet Cloud attempts to reach the Border Gateway. If successful, the Connectivity Test successful message appears.

Next Steps

With the Border Gateway now connected to the Silvanet Cloud, the Mesh Gateways can now be deployed.

Deploy Mesh Gateways

For details, see Deploy Mesh Gateways.

Last updated

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