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Edit and Delete Packets

Edit a Packet

The Packet Planning page allows for a Packet to be modified such as deleting a device from a Packet.

  1. Open the Packet planning page in the Site Management app.

  2. Select a Packet, then select the Pencil (Edit) icon to open the Packet in Edit mode.

  3. From the list of devices, select the devices to be edited.

    1. To update GPS coordinates of a device, select the Pencil icon next to the device, make changes to the Latitude and Longitude, then save the changes.

    Remove selected devices

    Edit GPS coordinates

    1. To delete a sensor or Gateway can be deleted by selecting a device, then selecting Remove.

    Remove selected devices

    Remove selected devices

    Warning: Deleting a device only removes it from the Packet

    If a device has not been deployed, it can be removed from the Packet. However, once a device has been deployed, removing a device requires sending a request to Dryad to remove the device from the Site database. In this case, send a Support Ticket to Dryad with the Device IDs of the devices you have removed from your Site.

  4. Select Save to save the changes. A Packet saved message appears.

Delete a Packet

If required, a Packet can be deleted from the Site Management app.

  1. Open the Packet planning page in the Site Management app.

  2. Select a Packet, then select the Trash (delete) icon. Confirm the deletion.

    Delete selected devices

    Delete selected devices

  3. Select Save to save the changes.

    Warning: Deleting a Packet cannot be undone

    Once a Packet has been deleted, it cannot be undone.