Learn how to add paths that typically have a high density of Wildfire Sensors.
Paths are typically areas that require a higher density of sensors. For example, this can include hiking paths, lanes and roadways, rail lines, power lines or other linear areas that have a high level of human activity.
Start path: Start creating a new path by selecting a location on the map where you want the path to start.
End path: End the path by double-clicking on the map where you want the path to end.
Add settings: See Path settings below for details.
Save the project.
Remember to save the project frequently.
The Path settings are accessed by selecting a path.
Name: Give the path a descriptive name.
Path type: Choose a path presets which influence the placement and amount of sensors on the path:
Hiking path
Power line
Path length: Length of path in Imperial or Metric, depending on app settings. See User preferences.
Protection Level: Set based on the path type. It can be adjusted. Low level of protection is 100m between each sensor. High level is 20m between each sensor.
Distance between Sensors: The distance between Sensors is set by the Prediction Level slider. A precise value can be entered here, as required.
Amount of Sensors: The number of Sensors in a path are set by Prediction Level slider based on the length of the path and density. A precise number of sensors can be entered, as required.
Any path can be modified after it has been added and saved to the project file.
Two types of dots are used that follow the route of the path:
White dots: Key points in the path that alter segments of the path. They can be deleted to straighten a path in that segment.
Yellow dots: Mid-points between white dots. Selecting a yellow dot converts them into white dots which adds other mid-point yellow dots.
Select a path from the list of paths to open the Edit Path panel.
Make basic changes to the path.
Change global settings using the Global Coverage tab:
Name: Update the path name.
Path type: Choose from Hiking Path, Road, Railway, Power LIne.
Protection level: Modify the Protection level using the slider or manually change the distance between Wildfire Sensors and amount of Sensors.
Save the project.
Paths can be easily extended, re-routed, shortened or even deleted.
Select the Pencil icon to make the path editable:
Change the route of the path: Drag a white dot to move a section of a path.
Add an angle: Drag a yellow dot to a new location to add an angle to the path.
Remove a path dot: Remove a path dot by selecting a white dot and press Delete or Backspace.
Delete a path: When a path is active, select the Trash icon to delete a path.
Select any location on the map to deselect the path.
Save the project.
Additional sensors can be added to a path where requried.
Select the Manual Planning tab.
Select Add Sensor.
Drop the Sensor icon in a new location within the boundaries of the path.
Save the project.